Sunday, August 2, 2009

I am really excited about the first journal reaching it's destination. Within the next week, I hope that the rest of the journals will reach their destinations. Journals are going north, south, west, and even slightly east. From those places-- I don't know how far they will travel.

Once each of the journals have reached my friends, they most likely pass them to people that I have never met before. I am putting a lot of trust into people I have never met to make this project a success. Despite this fact, I don't fear that people won't pass on the journals. When I think about it-- isn't trust the whole point of this project? To create a chain of support that goes beyond anyone I, or anyone else, knows. I ask that people continue to spread the message of this cause as far as you can-- my voice isn't strong enough to change misconceptions, but 50 voices, 1045 voices... they add up.

I am hoping to use this blog to post videos and links about mental illness, and organizations which promote acceptance and understanding.

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